Thursday, 22 December 2011

December 22. Violets

This morning I watched the sun play on this violet at our kitchen window. I captured it using Av setting on my camera, with a low aperature setting of 4, to get a blurred background. I like the way the small yellow pollen 'pops'' on the dark violet petals.


  1. Hi Peg

    This sounds like a really neat project for 2012.
    I agree, the dot of yellow stands out nicely against the dark shadow. Happy New Year and happy snapping

    ttfn Dwight

  2. Hi Peg

    Happy Spring to you.
    Just finished looking through your photo collection
    this morning. You're right, reflections and shadows
    are your photo signature....and you have a stunning
    collection of them here.
    I am also impressed with the samples of your art work.
    You have certainly developed your own style of painting
    that makes your work unique. I have been trying to do
    the same, but with little far. I need to
    loosen up more and not be so "photo focused" when I paint.

    TTFN Dwight
