Friday, 30 August 2013

Friday, August 30 ... Morning Swimming

Returning to the beach after an hour of open water swimming at Meech,
 these swimmers are colourful with their red and yellow torpedoes.

Thursday, August 29 ... At the Arboreteum

These wonderful red hay wagons really stand out against the white building.
Long evening shadows ad interest.

Wednesday, Aug. 28 - Dow's Lake

To swim, or not to swim.
That is the question

Monday, 26 August 2013

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Sunday, August 25 ~ Clematis

The clematis in our garden are showing their Last Hurrah.

August 24~ Dragon Fly

Really - do dragon flies smile???
This one does!
I'm still amazed and thrilled that my small Canon can take shots this sharp.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Friday, August 23 ~ Meech Lake Swimmers

On a misty morning, three swimmers are de-briefing after their swim,
and three more are just starting out.

Thursday, Aug. 22 ~ Turtle

Although this guy isn't a huge turtle, I enjoyed watching him bask in the evening sun.

Wednesday, Aug. 21 ~ Swan plus reflection

I don't know where this blue wavy reflection is coming from, but I think it is lovely!
Possibly the sky?

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Aug. 20 ~ Lucky Shot!

I took this photo with the hope that the Blue Heron was somewhere in the frame,
but I couldn't actually see it.
I was delighted to look at the picture on my computer screen,
 and found him regally posed in the tall grass!

Monday, 19 August 2013

Aug. 19 ~ Trio

A trio of species enjoy the lovely evening of the Rideau River environment -
 Swan, Blue Heron and Cyclist!

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Aug. 18~ Kayak

My kayak coach, Lynn, took this photo from the Coach-boat.
I'm glad it isn't a video that shows all my technical shortcomings!
Perfect reflections.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

August 17 ~Bridge to Nowhere

The bridges to nowhere, at Mooney's Bay, are interesting subjects in all seasons.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Aug. 16~ Hot Air Balloon

A hot air balloon floats through the morning sky at Mooney's Bay.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Aug. 15 ~ Meech Lake

Blanchette Beach at Meech Lake at 6:30.
On this day, the mist was so thick that we could barely see the island that we swim around,
and the far shore was totally shrouded in!

Aug. 14 ~ Rideau Hall

Until I read the plaque, I didn't know that this fountain in front of Rideau Hall,
is dedicated to the memory of Terry Fox.
How appropriate.

Aug. 13 ~ Iceberg?

Samuel Champlain is checking out the 'iceberg' at the National Gallery.
"Iceberg?", he muses. "In Ottawa in July?"

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Aug. 12 ~ Museum of History

A scattering of creative sculptures dot the grounds of the Museum of History.
(formerly the Museum of Civilization)
The geese seem oblivious to their presence!

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Aug. 11 ~ The view from the other side

The view of the Parliament buildings from the Quebec side, always takes my breath away!
This photo is from the picnic area at the back of the Museum of Civilization.

Aug 10 ~ Early Morning at Meech Lake

Now, in early August, we start our 6:30 swims before the sun has risen above the hills.
The cooler temperatures also tell us that the days are getting shorter.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Aug. 9 ~ The Pine Tree

I did this painting of a pine tree, 'en plein' air', on a recent camping trip.
The problem with painting water colour our-doors, is that the paper and the water dry up so quickly, it is difficult to let the paint do its 'watercolour thing' !
Still, I hope I was able to capture the beauty and wildness of this magnificent tree.

Aug. 8 ~ Painting progress

Step One : lay down rough colour according to the pre-drawn plan.

Step Two: Add detail and depth.

Step Three; Add calligraphy, dark tones and more detail.

Aug. 7 ~ The Barron Canyon

The Barron Canyon is an amazing, but little-known, Geographical feature, near Pembroke.
The deep and steep walls were formed 11, 000 years ago when melting glaciers in Algonquin Park rushed to lower ground, gorging out the canyon.
It can be accessed by three-day canoe trip, a one day canoe trip, or a hike.
I have done all three, and all are marvelous. My favourite is to paddle through the canyon,
 feeling in awe of the solitude and the towering cliffs on both sides.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Aug. 6 ~ Algonquin Fungus

We found this lovely fungus on the Barron Canyon Trail.
Its brilliant yellow colour, highlighted  by sunlight, was eye-catching!

Monday, 5 August 2013

Aug. 5 ~ Grandkids, all in a row

It's a rare and wonderful occasion when we get all the grandkids together!
This was at the Busker Festival on Sparks Street this past weekend.
John and his family came from Guelph for the long weekend.
Top row - Marty, age 1.
Bottom- Dee (4), Aaron (31/2), Topher (5), Maggie (11), Duncan (10).

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Aug. 4 ~ Camping in Algonquin

This lovely painted turtle was basking on a stump, little concerned with our presence in the canoe.

Aug. 3 ~ Camping in Algonquin

Maggie and Duncan both have the 'Swimming Gene', which seems to run in our family!

Aug. 2 ~ Camping in Algonquin

After some rain, the pine trees are heavily laden with droplets.
These drops reflect a yellow canoe, which was sitting nearby.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Aug. 1 ~ Camping in Algonquin

Morning mist is as beautiful as evening sunset.
And, to my mind, canoes are always beautiful.
The lake has many faces.

July 31 ~ Camping in Algonquin

Bob and Maggie are observing a painted turtle that they found on the river linking Grand and Stratton lakes.

July 30 ~ Camping in Algonquin

There were lots of tadpoles and frogs at this remote beach.
The evening sun was spectacular!

July 30 ~ Camping in Algonquin Park

A short hike took us to the location of the actual Jack Pine tree that Tom Thomson used as a model for his famous 1916 painting, The Jack Pine . Unfortunately, the tree is no longer there.

July 29 - Camping in Algonquin

Our first night camping at Achray Station in Algonquin Park,
and Mother Nature provided this sunset!
Maggie and Duncan had a sunset swim.

July 28 ~ Cirque de Soleil

Spectacular Show!
Cirque de Soleil with Bob, Maggie, Duncan, Megan and Aaron.
Such fun to see the children's amazement!