Tuesday, 23 April 2013

April 23 ~ Locks at Corktown Bridge

I can't imagine why I"m fascinated with these lockis at Corktown Bridge, but I am!
Perhaps it their uniqueness.
In early morning light, they becoms an interesting arrray of shapes, colours, shadows, and texture.
Using a small Time Value, I managed to get a soft blurr of the Chateau Laurier in the background.

Monday, 22 April 2013

April 22 ~ Skating Huts

Over the weekend, I went to the canal four times, in hopes of watching the crane lift out the skating huts. All four times, I was either too early or too late, and so I missed the moment of lift-out!
One of the engineers had told me that they would be lifting out at Ottawa U at 7:30 AM, Sunday morning, so I was there, but nobody else was!
I went again later to get this shot - at Concord, near Ottawa U, at about 10:30!

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Sunday, April 21 ~ Orchid Painting

Much to my shock and delight, this painting was bought at the Ottawa Orchid Show today!
It is an amalgamation of several different orchid photos, not an actual 'real' orchid.
I entered the class of orchids, painted in the style of Van Gough, and totally open to interpretation. Mine is called Starry Orchid' and includes stars in the background.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Saturday, April 20 ~ A Boy and a Bog

Aaron loved running along the boardwalk at Mer Bleu.
Even with most of the water being covered with snow and ice, there was a feel of spring in the air.
I llike that this photo captured him with one foot off the ground, in running stance!

Friday, April 199 ~ Early Morning Crocus

I took this picture at 6:30 am, when the light was soft yet brilliant.
Early morning light is indeed magical!

Thursday, 18 April 2013

April 11 ~ Love Locks on the Canal

This picture is taken from the Corktown Bridge, over the Canal.
Apparently, it is a new tradition for couples to 'lock up their love' the toss the key into the canal.
Except in the winter when the canal is open for skating, and skating over a key can cause an accident, it is a sweet, romantic gesture!
There is still snow and ice on the left side of the canal!

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Wednesday, April 17 ~ A Great Spring Bike Ride!

Today we rode 30 km on canal. river, and neighbourhood bike paths.
Everything was free of snow, except for this one patch behind the Parliament buildings.
Parliament. Shadows. Snow. The passage from winter to spring. How fabulous!

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

April 16 ~ A bird in the hand ...

... is worth intense excitement and happiness to a three year old!
You may have to look carefully,
because the Chickadee is somewhat camouflaged against the leaves on the ground.

Monday, 15 April 2013

April 15 ~ Grass, Geese, and Shadows

On Sunday, a walk along the Mer Bleu boardwalk, brought us to these goose tracks.
The tracks were unremarkable, until the sun came out, for just a few seconds.
The sun made it worth taking this photo. Yup, more shadows!

Sunday, 14 April 2013

April 14 ~ Jam Shadow

I was intrigued with the sparkle of light that cam through the jar of Damson Plum jam.
Not being a physist, I don't understand light refraction,
but the light through the dark purple jam, and the shadow, is stark.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

April 13 ~ Yes, Shadows at the Hockey Game

I wish I could take some super-photographer credit for this one, but really, it was a matter of being at the right place, at the right time, and having the forethought to take my telephoto lens!
Prior to the teams coming on the ice, two young female  hockey players skated in the Canadian and American flags.
For me, it was a moment of intense patriotic pride!

Friday, 12 April 2013

Firday, April 12 ~ Shadows

My grandson, Christopher, was making shadows with his hand at breakfast one morning.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Thursday ~ Shadows

Today, my camera club met to look at photos with 'shadpws' as our theme.
We were only allowed to bring 18 photos, so I had to de-select some favourites.
I'll post some of my favourites that didn't make the 18 cut-off!
This is from a ski day beside Meech Lake a few years ago.
I love the latice shadows and the ski tracks together.

Wednesday.April 10 ~ Spring

Even a covering of snow does not deter the daffodils from appearing.
Half an hour after taking this shot, the snow had melted and they were clear.
How do they know that it is OK to start growing?
Surely, it is an annual miracle!

Tuesday, April 9 ~ Hockey Action

I was surprised and pleased that I was able to get clear action shots from our seats on the second level.
Using my DSLR and my telephoto lens, the action is close.
Unfortunately, safety net is also in the picture!

Monday, 8 April 2013

April 8 ~ Women's Hockey in Ottawa

Ottawa is the location for the current International Ice Hockey's World Championship.
Here, the puck is dropped to start the game between Switzerland and Russia.
It was a fast and exciting game, with the Russian team narrowly defeating the Swiss, 2 - 1.

April 7 ~ Pond Skiing

Odile and I ski together often, but we don't have many photos!
I wanted to post this happy shot.
The above shot is a guest photographer - either Odile or Jill. I love how it draws me right into the picture, heading down the pond.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

April 6 ~ Pond Skiing

Sking on the ponds means fresh, untracked snow.
Here, Jill and Helen made a fresh diamond pattern with their skate-ski strides.

April 5 ~ Pond Skiing

On a lovely spring day, Odile and I followed the lead of Jill and Helen, and went pond skiing.
This was a 'first' for me, where we ski off trail and across the ponds in the Gatineau Park.
It was great fun!
Using the self-timer on my camera is very handy, but, on skis, I didn't manoeuvre fast enough!

Thursday, 4 April 2013

April 4 ~ Spring in Ottawa

Meannwhile, 8 1/2 hours later and back in Ottawa, there is evidence that spring is really on its way!
At last! In our garden, tulips and daffodils are poking their way through the snow.
This annual event, alwasy thrills and amazes me!

April 3 ~ Pussy Willows

In Southern Ontario, the willow trees were in bloom.
Some had the amber 'haze' that appears before the foliage.
Others. like this one,  had traditional 'pussy willows'.
Just to add delight, the moon was still visible in the morning!

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

April 2 ~ John's Cottage

The back of the cottage is a 'cut' in from Rondeau Bay.
It is full of bird life, and boasts a stunning sun rise.

April 1 ~ John's Cottage

My lovely daughter-in-law, Karrie, loves their dog, Hamish.
What the photo doesn't show, is the 100 pounds of Hamish that is behind the hug!
He is a completely lovable big softie.

Monday, 1 April 2013

March 31 ~ John's Cottage

John's cottage, on the shores of Rondeau Bay near Lake Erie, is alive with bird llife.
There's either a bird to watch or a bird to listen to.
Here, they are looking, except for Topher who loves to poke the fire!
Karrie, Topher, Bob and John.

March 29 ~ London, Ontario

London has memories of winter, such as this puddle, which was formerly a skating rink!

March 29 ~ London, Ontario

There's no snow in balmy London Ontario, home of the recent
World Championship Figure Skating Championships.
These metal sculptures, on the lawn of lovely Voctoria Park, commerate the event.