Thursday, 29 March 2012

March 29: Dull Ottawa Day

On a really dull Ottawa day, the only colour that I could find was these tiny, exquisite snowdrops, nestled among last year's fallen leaves.
Their colour is stark, in the very dull earthy environment.
I like the way one leaf curls into the photo.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

March 28; Reference Photo

This is the photo of that I used for reference material for the painting that I did yesterday.
Every summer we go canoe camping with these friends, to crown land in the Sharbot Lake area.
 The wildness of the rocks, the water and the trees make
me feel tranquil and peaceful, and very inspired to paint.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

March 27: Art Class

Today in Art Class, we were asked to bring a photo reference that included water.
I took a photo from last summer in the Sharbot Lake area,
when we were canoe-camping with friends.
The original photo had two canoeists, but in order to keep the centre of focus clear,
I went with a solo canoeist. I also changed the colour of the canoe for more focus.

Monday, 26 March 2012

March 26: Blueberry Crisp

Yesterday I made Blueberry Crisp.
I originally came across this dessert in Brigus, Newfoundland, at their Blueberry Festival.
Several times since, I have made my own version of it, and yesterday's was the best yet!
Sorry - there's none left over!

Sunday, 25 March 2012

March 25: Four Grandparents and a Grandson.

Lee's parents, Pat and Rick, are here from the Toronto area to look after Aaron while Megan and Lee are on holiday.
They came over for lunch and all four of us doted on Aaron !
I used my tripod and the self timer to get this photo.

March 24: Lac Phillippe

I'm a big fan of reflections and shadows in photography.
This example shows the great contrast between light and dark, which is very stunning.
Good pictures are about being at the right place, at the right time - and then knowing how to work  my camera!

Friday, 23 March 2012

March 23: Lac Phillippe Geese

Even with the ice still on the lake, some early flying geese had arrived for the summer.
We heard them honking all night, reminding me of the loon calls when we are summer camping.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

March 22: Lac Phillipe

DInner on the patio, Wanakiwin yurt-style!
I love to use the self-timer on my camera, so I can be included in the group photos!

March 21: First day of Spring- at Lac Phillipe

Six of us hiked in for an overnight at Wanakiwin Yurt, at Lac Philippe.
We couldn't resist the craziness of wading in the icy water in this incredible warm weather.
Yes, the ice is still on the lake, in the background!
Peggy, Magda, Judy, Margo, Dianne, Frances.
Lucky me to have such zany friends!

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

March 20:Nakkertok North

I have been a member of Nakkertok XC ski club for 30 years.
This lovely cabin is located at the North of the Ski Club and I have slept over in this beautiful log cabin many times, both with family and with friends.
Last weekend, vandals burned it to the ground.
Today in art class, I used my paints to show my fond memories of this very special place.

Monday, 19 March 2012

March 19: Lac Phillipe

Today I went up to Lac Phillipe to carry in some water for our up-coming Yurt Overnight.
I was prepared to ski, hike or snowshoe, depending on conditions.
I ended up hiking most of the 5 km into the yurt, using snowshoes for a short while.
Starting this blog, I stated that I wanted to learn to be a better photographer.
Today I learned that I have to remember to take the camera out of the car, if I intend to take photos!
I have posted a photo from a few years ago, at sunset, in the Lac Phillipe area.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

March 18; 18 degrees in Ottawa...

... and these crocus are in bloom in our front garden!

March 17: Sleepy time ... or not!

Trying to get all three kids to go to sleep in the same bed ....? Impossible!

March 16: Grandsons

We had a delightful opportunity to have all three grandsons for an overnight.
John brought Topher and Duncan from Guelph, and we added Aaron, to fill the house.
Happiness is: reading to my grandkids!

Friday, 16 March 2012

March 15: Happy Birthday Bill!

March 15 is my brother, Bill's birthday.
He lives in Vancouver, but I took this photo of Bill, Linda and Katherine, in Kelowna, when we were there visiting Katherine last October.
Bill - welcome to this new stage of your life!

March 14: Train Trip


A few weeks ago, I took the train to Toronto, then Guelph.
The sun was just setting as I boarded in Ottawa
I had only my cell-phone camera at hand, but even that camera did a good job of capturing the sun glinting off the train windows.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

March 13: Canal Closed

While I was wandering through memory lanes in Nepal, winter continued in Ottawa.
The canal closed after only 28 skating days, where it was open 56 days last year. Taking this photo, I was shooting right into the sun and into the glare of the ice. In order to ensure that the
"closed' sign would be readable, I used the flash to front-light the sign.

March12: Farewell to Nepal

We said our final farewells to friends that we had made in Nepal, and headed to the airport with Apil.
At the Airport, we had final phone conversations with Damodar in Pokhara.
It was a time if very mixed emotion - very sad to leave, and very anxious to see our families again.
Our entire trip had given us wonderful experiences and amazing friends.
 Dianne - you were a fantastic travel partner. Thanks!

Sunday, 11 March 2012

March 11: Nepal

After saying good-bye to the elephants, we flew back to Kathmandu for a few days of farewells, before getting our flight home.
Apil took us on a tour of his hospital, where he has spent the past six or seven years studying.
I was alrteady beginning to feel sad about leaving Nepal and the friends that we have there.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

March 10: Nepal

Wow! What an opportunity to have close contact with these wonderful creatures!
I was in my element!

Friday, 9 March 2012

March 9: Nepal

With elephant tourism as the economic base of this community, it was not unusual that Dianne would be walking down the street after these two wonderful beasts.
We saw many houses that had an 'elephant-ports' (think ... carport!)
I really enjoyed Chitwan!

March 8: Nepal

Elephant bathing time was an amazing event!
Several dozen elephants were brought to the river to wallow, splash and give tourists time to get up-close and clean with the elephants!
In the interests of staying healthy, Dianne and I passed, but were highly entertained for several hours!

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

March 7: Nepal

After my health was restored, Dianne and I flew to Chitwan National Park.
Elephant Safari was the highlight of the time we spent there.
Being in the peaceful rural area was a treat after the traffic chaos of Kathmandu!
I really enjoyed being in a place that was rich with elephants and elephant experiences!

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

March 6: Nepal

Back in Kathmandu, we stayed pretty close to our hotel for a few days, while i recovered from my infection.
We still managed to get out a bit, and at the Giant Stupa, I took this photo of three school girls early in the morning.
I like the contrast between the age old prayer ritual at the Stupa, and these modern school-bound girls who still follow the tradition of early morning prayers. Although, they seemed to be more focused on their cellphones than on their prayers!

Monday, 5 March 2012

March 5; Nepal

How could I not include this incredible view from the plane!

Sunday, 4 March 2012

March 4: Nepal

Finally, I accepted the reality that my deteriorating health would not allow me to continue the trek. Three different antibiotics had not slowed the infection, so I had absolutely no strength with which to carry on.
I had to return to Kathmandu and Dianne insisted that she would come with me. Try as I might, I could not persuade her to continue the trek. What a selfless friend!

Saturday, 3 March 2012

March 3: Nepal

We crossed many suspension bridges, sharing space with the yaks, of course!
Each bridge had its own personality, draped with white scarves for blessings and strung with many prayer flags.
The views from the bridges, looking down into deep gorges and rivers, was stunning!

March 2: Nepal

While I was confined to our hotel because of an ever-worsening intestinal infection, Dianne and the others went day-trekking to higher altitudes - and more magnificent views!

Friday, 2 March 2012

March 1: Nepal

we shared the trail and the suspension bridges with lots of load-carrying yaks.
All building supplies, construction equipment, pipes, household goods, imported food and drinks came into villages this way!
Thank goodness for their bells - we had warning to get out of the way!

Feb. 29: Nepal

The Intrepid group of trekkers ...from Australia, New Zealand, England and Canada.
Dianne, (red hat with pig-tails) Rita (red hat) and Peg (pink vest)
Day One of the trek, just outside of Lukla.

Feb. 28: Nepal

Up close with the Himalayas!

Feb.27: Nepal

Finally the day came for departure to Lukla, to start the trek to Everest Base Camp.
The flight was only 20 minutes - through Himilayan mountains, landing on an exciting up-hill runway!